For top corporate executives, managers and emerging leaders

Cultivate a leadership edge with mental imagery

For emerging leaders, managers and executives

Gain A Leadership Edge With Mental Imagery and Hypnosis

Would you like to master intense career moments with more composure and confidence? Are you looking to amplify your visibility and impact?

I show corporate high-flyers how to leverage mental imagery to thrive under pressure and consistently get outstanding results

Professionally thriving

Personally fulfilled

Drive your career and create

remarkable impact in six weeks

From Roger Bannister to Michael Phelps, mental imagery is widely used by elite athletes to master the mental game and achieve peak performance.

In six coaching sessions, I show forward-thinking professionals how to use the same principles to prepare for high-visibility moments such as speaking at conferences and to position themselves for the next big opportunity.

The results?

Amplify your presence and impact under pressure

Garner employees' respect and industry recognition

Perform at your highest level while enjoying work more

The Coaching Roadmap

My online coaching programme, which you can join from anywhere in the world, consists of six proven steps to help you reach your goal:

1.) Pick a goal

Dream big, then select one goal to boost your focus

2.) Find your values

Imagery is most effective when you first gain clarity on your purpose and what matters most to you.

3.) Measure your imagery ability

The better your imagery ability, the more likely you are to be able to control how you perform.

4.) Train your imagery muscle

Connect your current self to your future potential for more impact and success.

5.) Integrate into daily life

Build cues into your day to keep moving forward

6.) A comprehensive support system

Weekly sessions, unlimited coaching through messenger app, personalised guidebook, templates and recordings.

Client Testimonial and Results

My training with Leonie had an immediate liberating effect. She knew how to release the blockages that stood between me and my success. The most intriguing thing was that I didn’t actually change my behavior afterwards. But the reaction of people around me suddenly changed. I seem to have a different energetic presence now.

Stefanie Hauer

Partner and Member of the Board NatureRe Capital AG

When my lifelong fear of heights started to impede me in my job whilst visiting production plants or customers in high-rise industrial structures, I decided to try Leonie’s training. I would never have imagined the incredible impact these sessions would have! My negative reaction to heights has been reduced considerably and I now feel comfortable again.

Constantin Beelitz

Regional president at RHI Magnesita

It doesn’t have to feel

this difficult

Perhaps you would like to be more composed and at ease during presentations, pitches, media appearances or appraisals. You’re putting in long hours but are not being recognised for it. Or perhaps you’d like to move up but feel stuck at your current level. Let’s work together to change that!

Career stagnation & frustration

A repeatable, proven method for achieving personal goals and career growth

Stumbling in high stake situations

Think clearly and act decisively thanks to mental rehearsal

Drowning in work?

Use visualisation to gain clarity about priorities and target your efforts

Meet Leonie

A trainer at Oxford Mindfulness Foundation with a background as Big 4 management advisor, Leonie is globally recognised for pioneering the integration of mental imagery, mindfulness and hypnosis to help her clients thrive in business and life. With Leonie, you always have an expert by your side.

Are you ready to imagine your best self?

Next Step

Book your complementary consultation call

If you are wondering how to get started and have some more questions, I invite you to book a one-on-one meeting. The session is an opportunity to take an extensive look at where you currently stand, what the next steps are for you and how I can help you.